It’s true – teenagers are busier than ever in today’s world. Aside from mounds of homework, there are sports, familial responsibilities, friends to socialize with and snap chat streaks to keep up with! It might seem like there is no time to take on the extra responsibility of a part time job. But contrary to popular belief, research has shown that the benefits of part time jobs for teens far outweigh the challenges!

Let’s take a look at the top five reasons having a part time job as a teenager is awesome!

1. It’s empowering and creates confidence.

First jobs are often the first step towards independence and building confidence. It’s empowering to earn your own money and not be 100% dependent on your parents to finance you and your teenage lifestyle.

2. It teaches you real world budgeting and money management.

You’ll learn valuable lessons in things like taxes: the amount of money you make is not the same as the amount of money you’ll take home. You’ll see the money go into your bank account and then if you’re not careful, you’ll learn how quickly it can disappear! You can set financial goals (college, new car, tickets to Coachella) and set aside a portion of your earnings to go into a savings account. You’ll be developing important financial habits that will benefit you the rest of your life!

3. It “up levels” your sense of responsibility and character.

Having a job where you are depended upon to “show up” is character building. Maybe you’re working at a yogurt shop and you’re the only one on the schedule. If you don’t show up, there are bigger, more real world consequences involved than if you skip school or a practice. Maybe you’re scheduled to work Saturday night, but just found out there’s a concert that all your friends are going to that night. Do you blow off work and call in sick? Tough choices are character building. When you make the right choice, you’re not only taking on responsibility, but also honoring your commitment and building character and trust.

4. It looks good on College Applications. 

Colleges like to see well rounded, self-sufficient students who can handle multiple priorities. If you can save money for your own college education, even better! It shows the college admissions people that you aren’t solely relying on your parents to pay for your college. They like to see that kind of grit and determination in college applicants. It also prepares you with good time management skills that will benefit you in your college career. One study found that college students who have part time jobs have higher GPA than their peers who did not have part time jobs. 

5. It prepares you for your future career: 

You’ll get a feel for being in the workforce and what you like and dislike. You’ll learn valuable interpersonal skills, like how to get along with co workers who annoy you, or how to work for a demanding boss. You’ll get a feel for the types on environments you like and don’t like, and what it takes to be a great employee. You’ll also learn valuable skills like resume writing and interviewing skills. In the end, you’ll have experience to put on your resume, and professional references to refer to, which will be GOLD when you’re ready to apply for your next job!

Things to Remember!

  • Jobs for high schoolers can be after school, weekends or even a part time or just summer.
  • Find a job that works well for your schedule and your life! Even working just two shifts a week or only on Saturdays is a great way to start gaining valuable job experience.

Don’t let getting your first job be intimidating of daunting. Like anything new, it might feel scary, but the end result is worth it!

Need help getting your first job? Check out our Resume Builder & Video Training Programs geared just for teens!